Independent TUAT Scholarships

Information on TUAT’s independent scholarship system, which provides benefit payments to students.

TUAT Kagayaku Scholarship for Doctoral Students Application Guidelines for FY2023

?[2022.8.1 update]

  Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) strives to become "a world-leading research university that maximizes human value intellectually and socially based on science”.

  We hope that after completing your studies, you will be able to play an active role in the globe as a "Kagayaku Doctoral Scholar". We hope that this scholarship can help you improve yourselves.


Please be sure to read the message from the President ( ) before applying.


(Scholarship recipients)

Eligibility for the scholarship is limited to doctoral students enrolled in the upper years of a doctoral course at TUAT as of April 2023 (third-year or higher-year students in the integrated doctoral course, and second- to fourth-year students in the Cooperative Division of Veterinary Sciences in the Graduate School of Agriculture) who have a strong will to become a "Kagayaku Doctoral Scholar”.(Students assigned to Ibaraki University and Utsunomiya University at the United Graduate School of Agriculture can also apply.)

Those who fall into any of the following categories are not eligible.

(1) Japanese government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) scholarship international students

(2) Students dispatched/sponsored by foreign governments

(3) Those who are funded under Research Fellowship for Young Scientists by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*

(4) Students who have remained in the same academic year or have been enrolled in their course of study for a period longer than the minimum period required for completing their course of study

(5) Those who have received this scholarship twice

(6) Those who have received other scholarships that cannot be received in duplicate

* If you are currently applying for a JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists , you may apply for this scholarship. However if you are selected as a Research Fellow, your status as a scholarship recipient of this scholarship will be cancelled.


(Number of scholarship recipients)

About 20 people

(Period of scholarship)

From April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024 or to the date of completion of the doctoral course with or without a degree, whichever comes first

(Details of the scholarship)

The amount of the scholarship is 500,000 yen.

In addition, recipients will be exempted from paying the full amount of tuition for the first and second semesters of the 2022 academic year. However, there will be no overlap with the regular tuition waiver if your tuition is already waived. Students who will complete their doctoral course with or without a degree in September will be exempted from paying tuition only for the first semester.

(Application for scholarships)

Those who wish to receive the scholarship should submit the separate scholarship application form (Appendix Form 1) and other related documents to Student Affairs Section, Educational Affairs Office, Educational Affairs Division by the deadline.




?(Application deadline)

17:00 November, 30, 2022

?(Email for application submission)

?Student Support Section, Educational Affairs Office, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Email: ※ Please title the email to be "(Your student ID number)_(Your name)_("Kagayaku")"


If you have any questions, please contact the following office:


*Inquiries are only accepted by e-mail, not by telephone.

*Please title the email to be "(Your student ID number)_(Your name)_("kagayakuQ")".


【important】Regarding Emergency Support Scholarships for Students Requiring Support due to the Spread of Novel Coronavirus Infections


Under the social conditions related to the prevention of the spread of novel coronavirus infections, emergency support scholarships will be provided to students in need of support in their daily life due to being unable to pay the rent of their apartments or purchase daily necessities, etc. caused by a decrease in household income allocated to student living expenses (combined tuition and living expenses), decrease in income from their part-time job, etc., and as an emergency measure said scholarships will not need to be repaid.


Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Education and Research Promotion Foundation Scholarship

Supported by the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Education and Research Foundation, this scholarship is meant to motivate students to study and achieve excellent results.


Undergraduate and master’s students who have achieved outstanding academic results during the previous academic year and have an excellent personal character.

Scholarship amount

100,000 yen

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Academic Encouragement Scholarship

This scholarship was established in academic year 2006 to encourage academically excellent students to advance to a university doctoral course.
This scholarship is meant to cultivate talented individuals who will embody the university’s fundamental principle of MORE SENSE: Mission Oriented Research and Education giving Synergy in Endeavors toward a Sustainable Earth.


Persons who have completed a TUAT master’s course, professional degree course or six-year bachelor degree course and who will be entering a TUAT doctoral course. Note: The scholarship cannot be awarded to persons already receiving financial aid, such as recipients of Japanese Government (MEXT) scholarships, recipients of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellowship for Young Scientist fellowships, and adult students receiving support from their company.

Scholarship amount

300,000 yen

Contact Information

Please contact the appropriate section or office you are affiliated with if you want to apply.

Faculties and graduate schools Inquiries
Faculty of Agriculture and Graduate School of Agriculture Student Support Section, Fuchu Student Support Office, Tel: 042-367-5579
Faculty of Engineering and Graduate School of Engineering Student Support Section Koganei Student Support Office, Tel: 042-388-7011
Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering Office of the Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tel: 042-388-7217
United Graduate School of Agricultural Science Office of the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tel: 042-367-5670

