Department of Department of Ecoregion Science

What is the difference between Department of Ecoregion Science and Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences?

This question gets asked a lot.
Please refer to this page.

Do I have to decide on the package when I enroll (immediately after my first year)? Also, do the subprograms that can be selected be determined by the package selected?

It is very important to think about which program (a large package of subjects) you will choose to study from the time you enroll and make a course plan. However, as you study faculty-wide subjects and department-specific subjects, your interests will change, so in our department, we conduct a first survey in the middle of the second year to ask students which program they would like to study. We then conduct another survey of program preferences at the beginning of the fourth year. Many students find that the program they had in mind when they enrolled is different from the program they end up completing at graduation.

In the package program system, packages (groups of subjects) are structured in such a way that students first choose one of the main programs and then select a minor program, so it is easier to select a minor program than the main program. .

This is a question regarding the selection of package programs. What is the status of major and minor enrollment for all students? Also, how busy will the person responsible for the course (head*2, lead*1 deputy*2, etc.) be? Lastly, is it possible to take only the courses that interest me in the package program?

In our department, we have structured packages (subject groups) so that students can basically complete one main program and one minor program by the time of graduation. Many students are interested in two main programs when they enroll, and are unsure which one to choose. By the second semester of their second year, most students have narrowed down their studies to one main program and are making a course plan.
The minor programs are packaged and relatively easy to select once you have completed one major program, so it is not that difficult to take one major and one minor. As an aside, there have been students who have completed two major programs, but this is very rare.

Does Department of Ecoregion Science deal with natural environments other than forests? Is it mainly forests?

In addition to forests, there are many people who are conducting research on farmland, grasslands, and water bodies. We are conducting research not only on nature but also on cities.

I participated in this event because I am interested in forest science. I am interested in the relationship between global warming and forests. Is there a research lab at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology of Agriculture and Technology that is doing such research?

Some students and Faculty Member are directly researching the relationship between global warming and forests, but since proper management and utilization of forests is one way to combat global warming, basically all laboratories that focus on forest science are involved in some way, and other laboratories also sometimes work on related research.

Are any graduates employed as conservation officers at the Ministry of the Environment? Which program are you using again?

Past graduates of the Ecosystem Conservation Program have become conservation officers.
