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Short Tests (formerly Tests and Quiz)

This is a tool for creating simple quizzes, such as multiple choice, true/false, and written answers. By inputting and deciding the points in the "Point Allocation" field, the points according to the correct answers will be automatically tallied.

Click on the "Class Site" where you want to conduct the quiz, then click on "Quiz" on the "Outline Screen" or "Quiz" from the menu screen.

Main items

*Please see below for related sites.

Create a quiz

Add tab.Select the

Under "Add Quiz" and "Create from scratch", enter a "Title" and click the "Create" button.

The question creation screen will be displayed, so click "Select question type" next to "Insert new question" and select the question type. The items are as follows.

Select a question type from "Select question type" and create it.

"Multiple Selection" as an example.We will explain the creation procedure using

"Score Allocation" , enter the score for a correct answer. If you do not want to show the score to students, change "Show score when students are taking the test" to "No".In
You can also create two types of answers: single correct answer and multiple correct answers. Choose the appropriate one.

"Question" and the answer choices in "Answer" . Check the radio button for the correct answer.Enter the question text in

If you want to reduce the number of options, click "Delete" . If you want to increase the number of options, click "Insert additional questions" and select the number to insert (1 to 6) .

You can also provide feedback for correct and incorrect answers. Once you have completed the question, click "Save" at the bottom.

If you want to add more questions, select the question type from "Insert new question" .

<Question types> There are 13 types of questions available, including multiple choice.

  • "Survey" and "Survey - Choice Matrix": These can be used mainly for opinion surveys.
  • "File Upload"...Students can upload files they have created.
  • "Hot Spot": You can create questions that require you to select a specific location within a given image.
  • "Student audio responses": You can create questions that allow students to record their responses online.
  • "Numerical answers" and "Fill in the blank"...You can create questions that require entering numbers or 48-blank fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • "Matched Question" - You can create multiple choice questions that share common options.
  • "True or False": You can create true or false questions. You can also set the option to have students provide justification for their answers.
  • "Short answer or essay": You can create questions that require a short answer.
  • "Calculation problem"...You can create calculation problems where the given values change each time.
  • "Copy from question pool"


Publish the quiz you created

① to ⑤ .You can view publishing settings and previews from tabs

"Add Part" ... You can add a question part. This is effective for dividing the question into Part 1 and Part 2, or dividing it into parts that count towards the grade and parts that don't.

"Preview" ... You can preview the quiz as seen by the students. Click "Start Test" to see a preview of the "Test Screen" . Click "Done" to return to the original screen.

"Print" ... You can print the quiz. Select "Print HTML" or "Download PDF" . You can add print items as necessary. Check the items you want to add and click "Apply Settings" .

"Settings" ...Once all questions have been created, you can set them up.

"Availability and submission" : You can set who can see the test, the number of resubmissions allowed, and the time when the test is available and the deadline.

"Ensure students take tests from locations you specify"... You can allow only specified IP addresses.

"Add a message for students to see after submission"...You can add a submission message.


"Publish" ... Once all the "Settings" are set, you can set the publishing settings. Select "Publish" from the tab above or from the "Settings" screen .

You can publish your test by selecting "Publish" again.
You can also send students an email informing them that the quiz is now available by changing the "No notification" dropdown menu to "Send the following notification email to students."

There are several other categories.

"About this test" ...You can add a title or description of the test, take an oath, add a time limit, and attach documents.

"Exception Settings": Adding or deleting individual exception settings

"Grading and feedback": How to give feedback to students, etc.

"Layout and Appearance" - How the test will be displayed, etc.


Migrating a quiz you created to another site

Exporting a Quiz

Note! Only draft quizzes are possible. *Quizzes in the Published Tests tab cannot be migrated.

Open the site that contains the quiz you want to transfer. Click "Quiz" from the menu screen.

Find the quiz you want to migrate and select "Export" from the "Choose an action" pull-down menu.

“QTI v1.2” or “Content Package” and click “Export” to download the file.Select

*If you want to include attachments in your test or use HTML tags to reference external resources, you must select "Content Package."

Importing a Quiz

Open the site you want to migrate the quiz to.
Click "Quiz" from the menu screen.

Click the Add tab. Import .Click

Choose File and open the test file (.xml .zip) that you downloaded.Click

"Exported from this (or other Sakai) system" and click "Import." ?Select
