Department of Biotechnology and Life Science (established before the department reorganization in April 2019)

Department of Department of Biotechnology and Life Science Diploma Policy

  1. Have acquired the fundamentals of related fields (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and information) that form the basis of specialized knowledge.
  2. Students will acquire specialized knowledge of biotechnology, a comprehensive engineering technology based on molecular behavior, and will also have the ability to logically respond to cutting-edge fields based on fundamental principles.
  3. Students will have an understanding of the social needs required for biotechnology, and will have acquired problem-solving and research design skills and an R&D attitude toward sustainable social development, as well as the ability to learn independently and continuously.
  4. Students must have an understanding of the significance of biotechnology research from a global perspective and a variety of perspectives that go beyond science and technology, such as social and ethical considerations, and must have the ability to communicate and discuss this both domestically and internationally along with the latest technical information, as well as the ability to collaborate with others.

Department of Department of Biotechnology and Life Science Curriculum Policy

In the Department of Department of Biotechnology and Life Science, we provide education based on a unique curriculum centered on chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology, enabling students to learn biotechnology efficiently and systematically.
In the first and second years, students take specialized foundational subjects. These subjects aim to acquire basic knowledge of life phenomena, particularly to understand life phenomena at the molecular level. Students also aim to acquire practical skills through student experiments that are offered from the first year. From the second semester of the second year, specialized subjects are offered, allowing students to acquire advanced, up-to-date knowledge. In parallel with these subjects, students take biotechnology experiments (student training) based on a consistent program throughout the second and third years. From basic experiments to advanced experiments using the latest equipment, students will gain practical skills and deepen their understanding of the course content.
In the third year, following the English literacy subjects in the first and second years, students will undergo practical training in English taught by foreign language Faculty Member, aiming to acquire language skills that will enable them to respond internationally. In specialized subjects, students will take engineering subjects related to bioscience and biotechnology, and in the second semester they will be assigned to a research lab to gain a foundation for working on cutting-edge research.
In the fourth year, students are assigned to a laboratory where they set a theme for their graduation research and conduct cutting-edge research under the direct guidance of Supervisor.
