Graduate School of Agriculture (Master Course, Doctoral Course)

Information on the Graduate School of Agriculture master course and doctoral course.

Important information(COVID-19)

Important Notice (Correspondence of Faculty of Agriculture)

April 5, 2021

To the students of the Graduate School of Agriculture and Faculty of Agriculture,
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology 

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Dean, Graduate School of Agriculture and Faculty of Agriculture

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic that began last year, the University has put policies in place in response to the changing circumstances of the pandemic and has conducted educational and research activities in a way that gives due regard to the right of university students to an education.

In the Institute of Agriculture, Graduate School of Agriculture, and Faculty of Agriculture, preventing infection and protecting lives has been prioritized. Educational, research, and “circle” (student group) activities have continued on the principle of strict observance of infection spread prevention measures such as avoiding the “three Cs” (closed spaces, crowded places, and close contact settings). [In Japanese, these are the “three mitsu”: mippei (insufficient ventilation), misshuu (crowds), and missetsu (close contact).]

With this in mind, both within the University and outside in the wider community, please continue to act in such a way as to prevent the spread of infection, keeping yourself and others safe, by strictly avoiding the “five situations” that are known to increase the risk of infection.

1. Both on and off campus

  • Please strictly observe basic infection prevention measures, such as mask wearing, hand washing (or sanitizing), gargling, staying at home if you feel unwell, and avoiding the “three Cs.”
  • The “five situations” known to increase the likelihood of infection are i) social gatherings involving the drinking of alcohol, ii) eating and drinking in a large group or over a long period of time, iii) engaging in conversations without wearing a mask, iv) living together in a small space, and v) “switching your location” (such as working in one place with one group of people and then spending your break time in a different place with a different group of people). Please do not become complacent and continue to make every effort to avoid the risk of infection both on and off campus.
  • The University will not tolerate prejudice, discrimination, bullying, or abuse on social media of infected persons or their close contacts and families. Please maintain a calm attitude so that people’s human rights are not violated.
  • Please strictly observe infection prevention measures in your student dormitories.
  • Before arriving at the University or leaving it, please check your temperature and confirm that you do not have symptoms that could be COVID-19. Please do not come to the University, or leave it, if you are feeling unwell.
  • If you are confirmed as infected, if you have a PCR test, or if you are identified as a close contact of an infected person, please inform the University immediately using the specified procedure.
  • Please watch out for information or instructions from the central or local government and act in accordance with that information.

2. Educational activities

  • Classes for first and second year students in the Faculty of Agriculture, centering on courses? delivered by lecture and on experiment-based, practical, and research courses, are as far as possible conducted face to face.
  • The timetable for the commencement of experiment-based and practice-based classes and implementation of practical experience off campus will differ depending on the department. Please check via the syllabus and Google Classroom, for each class.
  • For details of each class, please check the document entitled “Implementation of classes in 2021 1H (first and second semesters).”
  • Depending on how the situation regarding the pandemic develops in Japan and overseas, classes may change from being in principle face-to-face to being in principle online.
  • With face-to-face classes, the risk of infection may rise when students “switch their location” at break times, etc., because of a sense of relaxation and the change of environment. Please be extremely careful in your conversations with fellow students after class to avoid the spread of infection.
  • The timetable for classes, both online and face-to-face, can sometimes change. Please check via the Google Classroom, etc., for each class.
  • The department administrators and lecturers will videotape the classes and take other measures to meet the needs of students unable to attend face-to-face teaching sessions, or unable to travel to Japan. Please inform the department administrators and lecturer of your reason for not attending face-to-face classes ahead of the class, and follow their instructions.
  • When entering or leaving the buildings, disinfect your hands and fingers with the attached disinfectant.
  • Please return home promptly after classes, or experiment-based or practice-based sessions.

3. Research activities

  • Please engage in the minimum necessary amount of onsite tasks, adhering to the “three Cs,” and in continual dialogue with your supervisor. Please try to minimize the length of time spent in the research center or laboratory, and always adhere strictly to measures to prevent the spread of infection such as hand washing, room ventilation, and mask wearing.
  • Please follow your supervisor’s guidance with regard to production, presentation, and evaluation of your graduation thesis or Master’s thesis.
  • Conducting activities needed for your graduation, Master’s or PhD thesis, and for other assignments in the current constrained environment is likely to be stressful. Please do not hesitate to seek advice from your supervisor, mentor, or other member of staff.
  • As far as possible, please refrain from student research trips within Japan. Overseas research trips, etc., are in principle not allowed.
  • When using the co-operative dining hall, please do not congregate in large groups. Please sit in small groups, and take care not to “eat and drink in a large group or over a long period of time” or engage in “conversations without wearing a mask.”

4. “Circle” activities (extra-curricular activities)

  • As the State of Emergency is lifted, please follow guidance issued by the University. It is anticipated that activities will gradually be allowed to recommence. Regarding the use of on-campus sports facilities, please adhere strictly to guidelines stipulated by the University, in line with the level of restrictions.

When travelling to and from the University, please adhere strictly to the strategies for prevention of the spread of infection, especially avoidance of the “three Cs.” In addition, if you begin to feel ill after arriving at the University, please seek advice from the Health Service Center as soon as you can. Please try, as far as is reasonable, to act in such a way that you do not cause the infection to spread, including avoiding becoming infected yourself, or infecting others.

Please refer to the University’s website and the t-board online bulletin board, etc., for information on future events at the University and for the schedule for different classes. University life will remain strange for a little while longer, but please be assured that all members of the teaching staff at the Graduate School of Agriculture and the Faculty of Agriculture will do all they can to support your studies.

If anything is unclear, or if you need advice of any kind, please contact the education committee member or student support committee member of your department or program, your supervisor, or the Student Support Office. In addition, if you are anxious or worried, please talk to the Health Service Center.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding with regard to all of the above.


Points of contact:

Education committee member
Student support committee member
Health Service Center
Fuchu Student Support Office
TEL: 042-367-5662
E-mail: akyomu1(please insert @ here)

Message from the Dean

Become someone who will take research in the field of agriculture to new heights and lead us into the future

The Graduate School of Agriculture is a master’s course graduate school, and cultivates students who possess greater specialized expertise and a broader vision in the field of agricultural science. Modern society faces serious problems, including a limited supply of food and resources, overpopulation, abnormal weather and environmental issues due to global warming, and infectious diseases. Resolving these issues increasingly requires investigative abilities and the skill to communicate with society instilled while acquiring a specialized education. Capable individuals who will flourish in global society must expand their own individuality and personalities, and gain the abilities needed to understand the diverse ways other people think. It is also essential that they flexibly demonstrate their skills in a variety of situations to overcome challenges they encounter during their specialized education. I am confident that the students the Graduate School of Agriculture produces will become talented individuals that play key roles in pioneering the next era in international society by promoting advanced research in the field of agricultural science.

FUNADA Ryo, Dean, Graduate School of Agriculture

Graduate School of Agriculture Overview

The Graduate School of Agriculture offers two-year master courses designed to produce graduates with an intense interest in education and research who focus on the increasing global severity of issues relating to food, resources, the environment and pollution, and the world's population; possess the specialized capabilities and extensive expertise essential to resolving these issues; and develop the skills to flourish in leadership positions in international society.

Department of Science of Biological Production

Information on the Department of Science of Biological Production.

Department of Studies in Sustainable and Symbiotic Society

Information on the Department of Studies in Sustainable and Symbiotic Society.

Department of Applied Biological Chemistry (under construction)

Information on the Department of Applied Biological Chemistry.

Department of Bioregulation and Biointeraction (under construction)

Information on the Department of Bioregulation and Biointeraction.

Department of Natural Resources and Eco-materials

Information on the Department of Natural Resources and Eco-materials.

Department of Environmental Science on Biosphere

Information on the Department of Environmental Science on Biosphere.

Department of Environment Conservation

Information on the Department of Environment Conservation.

Department of Environmental and Agricultural Engineering

Information on the Department of Environmental and Agricultural Engineering.

Department of International Environmental and Agricultural Science

Information on the Department of International Environmental and Agricultural Science.

Cooperative Division of Veterinary Sciences (Doctoral Course)

Information on the Cooperative Division of Veterinary Sciences (Doctoral Course).

Search the Graduate School of Agriculture Syllabus

Use the SPICA school information system to search the Graduate School of Agriculture’s syllabus.
