Fuchu Campus Map

Please refer to the?Fuchu campus map.

Building 1?(Department of Applied Biological Science, Department of Ecoregion Science, and Department? of Environmental and Natural? Resource Sciences)
Building 2 and New Building 2?(Department of Biological Production, Department of Applied? Biological Science, Department of? Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Department of Ecoregion? Science, and Information Media Center)
Building 3?(Department of Ecoregion Science)
Building 4?(Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine)
Building 5?(Department of Environ?mental and Natural Resource Sciences and Department of Ecoregion Science)
Building 6?(Department of Biological Production? and Department of Ecoregion Science)
Building 7?(Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine and University Research Administration Center)
Building 8?(Department of Applied? Biological Science and Department of Environmental, Natural Resource Sciences and Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine)
Building 9?(Department of Ecoregion Science)
Main Building for Faculty of Agriculture and Nature and Science Museum
?Lecture Hall 1 for Faculty of Agriculture
?Lecture Hall 2 for Faculty of Agriculture
?New Building 4?(Cooperative? Department of Veterinary Medicine? and Research and? Education Center)
?Animal Medical Center (Veterinary clinic)
?Scleroprotein and Leather Research Center
?Indoor Gymnasium Facilities
?Welfare Center and Support Center for Student Activities
?Sports and Health Sciences Building
?United Graduate School of Agricultural Science
?Cooperative Major in Advanced Health Science
?Gymnasium Facility? (golf driving range)
?Administration (Student Affairs) and Organization for the Advancement of Education and Global Learning
?Administration(General Affairs and Finance)
?Health Service Center
?Memorial Hall (Alumni 50th Anniversary Hall)
?RI Laboratory for Faculty of Agriculture
?Gene Research Center
?Field Science Center
?Research Center for Frontier Plant
?Fuchu International House
?Kaede Dormitory
?Staff Housing
?Staff Housing
?Staff Housing
?Yume Ichiba (Dream’s Market) and Office of Center with Faculty of Agriculture


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