Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Laboratories

Keiichi Kaneko Laboratory

Research into fault-tolerant and high-speed programming language processing systems, design of topological structures for interconnection networks and development of route selection algorithms, partial calculation and parallel execution of programs, multimedia education, etc.

Keiichi Kaneko Laboratory

Kinya Fujita Laboratory

Research into virtual reality and online communication, including remote shared virtual spaces and voice chat, remote transmission of tactile sensations, walking in virtual spaces, and remote collaborative learning.

Kinya Fujita Laboratory

Yamai Research Laboratory

Research into technologies necessary for the configuration, management, operation, and evaluation of large-scale (distributed) systems, including the Internet, such as Internet architecture and network security.

Yamai Research Laboratory

Takafumi Saito Laboratory

Computer graphics, information visualization, image processing, shape processing, etc. In particular, research aimed at effective visual information transmission, new applications of image generation processing, and the creation of aesthetically pleasing curved and surface shapes.

Takafumi Saito Laboratory

Mitaro Namiki Laboratory

System software such as OS, language processing systems, window systems, embedded systems, networks, Web Computing, parallel distributed processing, mobile and ubiquitous computing, XML.

Mitaro Namiki Laboratory

Toshiyuki Kondo Laboratory

Constructive elucidation of the mechanisms of environmental cognition, adaptation, and motor learning in living organisms and their engineering applications. Autonomous distributed systems, robotics, brain-computer interfaces, and rehabilitation biomedical engineering.

Toshiyuki Kondo Laboratory

Kaori Fujinami Laboratory

Research into methods for recognizing and utilizing real-world information using data obtained from sensors, the web, etc. Research into human-computer interaction methods for obtaining information effectively and efficiently.

Kaori Fujinami Laboratory

Kanako Furumiya Laboratory

Knowledge processing such as natural language processing and data mining.
Word sense disambiguation, information extraction, domain adaptation, transfer learning, etc.

Kanako Furumiya Laboratory

Akinobu Shimizu Laboratory

Research on multidimensional signal processing, image processing based on probability theory and optimization theory, parallel image processing, and pattern recognition. Also, development and evaluation of diagnostic support systems for medical images that apply the results of this research.

Akinobu Shimizu Laboratory

Kohei Yatabe Laboratory

Research on the measurement, analysis, and processing of acoustic signals, such as voice and music. Focusing on acoustic signal processing, he is working on a wide range of research topics related to sound.

Kohei Yatabe Laboratory

Junichi Shirakashi Laboratory

Research and development into new ultrafine nanoscale processing techniques using scanning probe microscopes (SPM) (nanotechnology), and research and development into single-electron nanoscale devices with added new functions (nanoelectronics).

Junichi Shirakashi Laboratory

Takuji Arima Laboratory

Research into numerical electromagnetic analysis using computers. Research into the development of efficient numerical electromagnetic analysis methods. Research into the development of new media for electromagnetic waves. Research into the behavior of electromagnetic waves in special media.

Takuji Arima Laboratory

Tomoo Ueno Laboratory

Research into the fundamental technology of next-generation ultra-high integration devices, focusing on the creation of new materials and new process technologies, including low-temperature thin film formation using radicals and the development of photoelectron devices using organic electroluminescence materials.

Tomoo Ueno Laboratory

Teng Mingchong Laboratory

Research into fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control systems for thermoelectric conversion elements, and nonlinear compensation for actuators and microhands using smart materials.

Teng Mingchong Laboratory

Ryuhei Miyashiro Laboratory

Mathematical programming, discrete optimization, algorithms, mathematical engineering, mathematical modeling and optimization of optimization problems that arise in the real world.

Ryuhei Miyashiro Laboratory

Katsuhide Fujita Laboratory

A research field related to intelligent information processing and artificial intelligence, focusing on intelligent agents, multi-agent systems, natural language processing, data mining, complex network analysis, and knowledge management.

Katsuhide Fujita Laboratory

Taku Nakajo Laboratory

Computer architecture, parallel processing, high performance processors, LSI design, system design, high performance computing.

Taku Nakajo Laboratory

Hiroshi Yamada Laboratory

Cloud computing and dependable computing with a focus on operating systems, virtualization technology, parallel distributed processing systems, and system software.

Hiroshi Yamada Laboratory

Seiji Hotta Laboratory

Research into retrieval and recognition of multimedia content such as images and videos, and efficient browsing methods for large amounts of data using clustering.

Seiji Hotta Laboratory

Ikuko Shimizu Laboratory

Research into computer vision, robot vision, 3D image processing, basic image processing technologies and systems that apply them.

Ikuko Shimizu Laboratory

Takashi Watanabe Laboratory

Theoretical research on information communication and information security technology from the perspective of information theory.

Takashi Watanabe Laboratory

Yu Nakayama Laboratory

Research into IoT and mobile computing systems that effectively connect a wide variety of things and people.

Yu Nakayama Laboratory

Toshihisa Tanaka Laboratory

Biosignal informatics, especially brain signal processing and machine learning for brain-machine interfaces, cognitive neuroscience of sound and the brain, AI technology for medical applications, and research into signal processing for these purposes.

Toshihisa Tanaka Laboratory

Kunihiro Fujiyoshi Laboratory

Theory of combinatorial algorithms applied to VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit) design, and development of CAD for VLSI design. In particular, basic theory of metagrid method and its application development research.

Kunihiro Fujiyoshi Laboratory

Ken Takiyama Laboratory

Clarifying the brain mechanisms of motor learning and control, and proposing effective training methods to improve athletic ability. Main research methods used are human behavioral experiments, mathematical models, machine learning, and control theory.

Ken Takiyama Laboratory

Suzuki Takehito Laboratory

Research into terahertz waveband antennas, terahertz light extreme materials, terahertz metamaterials, ultra-sensitive terahertz polarization measurements, terahertz wave ultra-high speed wireless communication systems, and terahertz application systems.

Suzuki Takehito Laboratory

Kenta Umebayashi Laboratory

Research and development in wireless communication networks, signal processing and resource control for highly efficient and reliable wireless communication, advanced signal processing for wireless communication using multiple antennas, cognitive radio technology, physical layer security, and wireless communication for terahertz nanodevices.

Kenta Umebayashi Laboratory

Wakana Kubo Laboratory

We are conducting research to develop photoelectric conversion devices and optical functional elements using plasmonic metamaterials that realize optical control. We are also conducting research to create inorganic nanostructures using nanotechnology, and to design and evaluate solar cells and optical elements.

Wakana Kubo Laboratory

Zhang Ya Laboratory

Semiconductor quantum nanostructures, nanomechanical structures, single-electron transistors, quantum information processing devices, etc. Research into fundamental physics and device applications aimed at pioneering next-generation electronics.

Zhang Ya Laboratory

Hiroe Iwasaki Laboratory

Research into video coding, hardware architecture, and AI processing. In addition, by applying these research results, we are researching, developing, and implementing remote control systems to realize Society 5.0, where cyberspace and physical space are highly integrated.

Hiroe Iwasaki Laboratory

Nobuo Hara Laboratory

Algebraic geometry and commutative algebra in positive characteristic. In particular, the study of algebraic varieties and their singular points using the behavior of Frobenius morphisms specific to positive characteristic.

Mikio Murata Laboratory

Discretization and ultra-discretization of differential equations and their analysis. Research on integrable cellular automata using ultra-discretization techniques. Research on the Painlevé equation and its extensions.

Takanobu Tobishima Laboratory

Research into the relationship between technology, society and visual arts, issues of "modernity" in art, and images and design in contemporary life.

Ryoko Uno Laboratory

Cognitive linguistic analysis of the dynamics of natural language (tense, modality, neologisms, onomatopoeia, etc.) and research into the mechanisms of grammatical viewpoint tracking and sharing through evolutionary linguistic experiments using artificial languages.

Ichiro Okano Laboratory

Social information studies, social systems theory, and communication theory.
