Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering curriculum and Admissions

We introduce the curriculum of Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering Engineering.

Curriculum policy

In Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, we offer a wide range of courses from the first year onwards, covering both basic subjects such as mathematics and physics, as well as specialized subjects in mechanical systems engineering. There are also student experiments conducted in small groups of around 10 students, and courses where students work on problems in small groups. From the second semester of the second year, in addition to the general subjects of mechanical systems engineering, students can choose from two specialized subject packages: the Aerospace and Mechanical Science Course and the Robotics and Intelligent Machine Design Course. Students can freely choose from courses other than the 11 required specialized subjects (experiments, special research, CAD, design and drawing, programming, graduation thesis, etc.). The Department of Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering has approximately 30 highly unique laboratories covering all areas of mechanical engineering and related fields, and students can choose a laboratory that suits their individual interests and aptitudes for their graduation thesis research. The synergistic effect of the above curriculum structure makes it possible to educate students with a very broad perspective.


Students will acquire a wide range of fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for machine manufacturing, including mechanical mechanics, thermal engineering, fluid mechanics, and materials engineering. From the second semester of their second year, they will split into two courses, the "Aerospace Energy and Mechanical Science Course" and the "Robotics and Intelligent Machine Design Course," allowing them to focus on the subjects that best suit their interests.

Classification Specialized subject
School year

Basic Natural Sciences

Specialized Basic Subjects Aerospace and Mechanical Science Course Robotics and Intelligent Machine Design Course
4th year
Scientific and Technical English Graduation thesis
3rd year

Mathematical Statistics
Statistical Dynamical Systems Analysis
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics


Engineering Ethics Plasticity
Heat Transfer II
Structural Material Evaluation Method
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Exercises
Mechanical Materials Engineering II
Energy Systems Engineering
Energy Conversion Engineering
Space Propulsion Engineering
Aerospace Fluid Dynamics
Finite Element Method and Exercises
gas turbine
Mechanical Design II
Production and Processing Studies II
Measurement and Signal Processing Engineering
Vehicle Engineering
Human Body Kinetics
Production Systems Engineering
Human Science Measurement Methods
Vibration Control and Exercises
Mechatronics and Lab

CAD training
Mechanical Systems Engineering Experiment III
Laboratory Experience Assignment

Fluid Mechanics II
Space Control Engineering

Special Research on Mechanical Systems II

2nd year

Differential Equations II
Vector Analysis
Function Theory
Chemistry Basics
Biology Basics
Continuum Mechanics


Fluid Mechanics I
Mechanical Materials Engineering Ⅰ
Control Engineering Ⅰ
Mechanical Design Ⅰ
Heat Transfer I
Production and Processing Ⅰ
Elastic mechanics Mechanical and Electronic Engineering II
Optical Engineering

*The program will transition to a two-course system from the second semester of the second year.

Mechanical system design and drawing
Computer Programming I & II
Mechanical Systems Engineering Experiments I and II

Mechanics of Materials II
Thermal Engineering II
Mechanical Dynamics II
Control Engineering II

1st year

Linear Algebra I & II
Calculus I and Exercises
Calculus II and Exercises

Differential Equations I
Mechanics I & II

Basic Seminar

Mechanical Systems Design
Mechanics of Materials I
Thermal Engineering Ⅰ
Mechanical Mechanics I
Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Ⅰ

Mechanical Drawing
Special Research on Mechanical Systems I

Qualifications that can be obtained

  • Junior high school teacher license (science)
  • High school teacher license (Science)
  • Museum Curator

For details, please see the course registration guide.

Diploma policy

  1. Students must have basic academic skills in natural science and applied mathematics, with a focus on mathematics and physics, suitable for graduates of engineering departments.

  2. After acquiring basic knowledge about mechanical engineering in general, students must also acquire knowledge in more specialized fields such as the "Aerospace/Mechanical Science Course" and the "Robotics/Intelligent Machine Design Course."

  3. Students will have a thorough understanding and practical ability regarding information technology and mechanical design. They will be able to utilize these to observe the various issues facing humanity from a multifaceted perspective of mechanical engineering, create their own plans, analyze them using experimental and mathematical approaches, and appropriately summarize the results. As a culmination of this, students will be able to write a thesis that contains research content that brings new knowledge to cutting-edge mechanical engineering technology and the science and engineering that underpins it.

  4. Those who have acquired the language skills necessary to collaborate with people from various fields in the international community, the knowledge, sense and understanding of society, culture, ethics, etc., and the overall communication skills and ability to communicate.

Admission policy

  1. Those who are interested in mechanical systems engineering in general and have the desire to develop and innovate mechanical systems engineering in order to realize a sustainable and smart society and explore the frontiers of humanity.

  2. Those who have sufficient academic ability in science and mathematics subjects such as mathematics and physics, as well as basic subjects such as English.


The Department of Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering will conduct individual academic achievement tests as follows. For details, please click here.
For important information regarding entrance examinations, please click here.
For information on third-year transfer, please click here.

Faculty information session

Please see here for the event schedule.

Information on the Summer Experience Classes for Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering

Please see here for the event schedule.

